Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Brands You Should Know: Julie Scarves

My friend Julie can effectively be labeled as a trendsetter. I paid a visit to my high school a few weeks ago and I couldn't walk more than a few feet without seeing someone in one of her scarves. Julie Scarves are, clearly, a must have. It was during this same visit that Julie graciously gave me one of her creations. You can pick one up here via her Etsy shop.

This is my friend Christy wearing a Julie Scarf. It might be getting warm in Chicago (who knows??), but this is one of those purchases that you can justify. A) it will definitely be cold in Chicago in the somewhat near future and B) you need something to keep you warm on road trips/plane rides/cozy movie nights in that not-so-cozy-over-air-conditioned home. I took my scarf with me to Nashville this past weekend and it was such a great move. It kept me warm in the car ride down south and it doubled as "pillow" when I took a nap in the sun.

photo via Julie Scarves

Now, down to the nitty gritty. Julie hand-knits every scarf to give you a one-of-a-kind wonder. They take about three hours to make and they sell for fifteen dollars. I don't know about y'all, but it's rare that I find a scarf for fifteen dollars, especially one that is so well made. Julie learned to knit in elementary school and started her scarf endeavor last year. You can bet you're getting a top-notch product.

For the record, I don't vouch for products I don't believe in. I know Julie and she's the bomb. She's seventeen and taking the steps to get her name out there. Though this might be obvious, this product is made in America and your purchase would be helping a high school senior save up some cashhh before shipping off to college.

Hey, Julie!

This is Julie rocking her scarf in what looks like an enchanted garden. This could be you, too, if and only if you have a Julie Scarf. I know you want one. Head over to her Etsy shop, JulieScarves, and pick one up. It's fifteen dollars: that's like three unnecessary trips to Starbucks. Spend that money on something that won't disappear in twenty minutes. Julie Scarves even have a commercial. Check it out and buy, buy, buy.



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